upcoming events

Are You On Our Lists?

Here’s a list you want to be on!  The Carnegie Public Library of Trinidad is making a list and checking it twice.  Our list of active library users needs to be updated. If you are still have one of those old green library cards from the Carnegie Public Library, you are at risk of being ‘expired’.  Beware the ides of October: anyone who has not renewed their card by October 15 will be removed from our database.

All residents of Las Animas County are invited to register for a library card at the Carnegie Public Library.  Our service extends beyond the city limits of Trinidad and our website allows you access to our electronic card catalog, research tools, and databases at any time of the day or night.   You can place holds on items online and we will contact you when they are ready to be picked up.  Soon we hope to be able to deliver those items to you! 

Oct. Events

Click a link below to go directly to the October calendar

However, if you are on our “other” list of cardholders who have overdue or lost materials, you’ll want to get off of that one. 

Do you have outstanding fines? If you return any materials belonging to the Carnegie Public Library prior to October 15, your fine will be waived and you can renew your card. 

If you have lost or damaged items belonging to us, talk to the library director before that date and your replacement fees will be reduced.  Then you can renew your library card and resume using your valuable library privileges.


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