kids & teens

KidsFor Kids ...

The Children's Library serves as a vital gateway to literacy and learning.  It is our mission to provide materials and programs to prepare even the youngest members of our community to become ready for learning in and out of school, and to continue encouraging all youth to explore themselves and their world through literacy.   A wide range of text materials, including sturdy board books suitable for infants and toddlers, beginner books for emergent readers, award-winning literature for all young readers, popular series, classic tales. Click here for more details.

TeensFor Teens ...

Our Young Adult’s Department focuses on encouraging adolescent readers to explore themselves and their world through literacy.  The Young Adult Collection is set apart from titles for younger readers, providing a comfortable setting that encourages exploration. A wide range of text materials, including award-winning literature for young adults, popular series, and an excellent nonfiction collection of thought-provoking titles on contemporary issues can be found on our shelves.  Audio books round out the collection; popular titles can be found on CDs and cassettes. To get more information, click here.




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